TNTC Project

This site is for releasing the metalanguages and the data constructed in the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) 19H05660: “Developing a translation process model and constructing an integrated translation environment through detailed descriptions of translation norms and competences.”

Translation Metalanguages (TML)

We release the following sets of metalanguages.
The development and use of the metalanguages are described in Miyata et al. (2022) and Yamada et al. (2020).

Translation-related Datasets


A set of 46 examples of English source documents with several types of translation-related derivatives, including professional translation and post-edited machine translation outputs.


Parallel English-Japanese abstract corpus made from Nature Communications articles.

Staged PE Dataset

Examples of translation issues and their revisions collected through 2-stage post-editing (PE) of machine translation (MT) outputs.
Staged PE Dataset


To be released.
